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              2018/3/14 14:04:30 作者: 來源:濟南三星燈飾有限公司









              ● 采用太陽能光伏系統(tǒng),節(jié)能環(huán)保、安裝簡單,不需鋪設電纜

              ● 光伏組件采用單晶硅電池板,轉換效率高達 18%,使用壽命 20 年

              ● 儲能系統(tǒng)采用鋰電池,耐低溫性能好、充放電效率高,使用壽命長

              ● 內(nèi)置先進的微電腦系統(tǒng),對開關燈及儲能系統(tǒng)進行自動管理,實時監(jiān)控電池放電情況,根據(jù)電量自動調整光源亮度及關燈時間 。

              ● 燈罩采用光擴散板材料,發(fā)光均勻無眩光

              ● 光源采用中功率

              The lamp holder of the courtyard, like a revolving umbrella, will shine the light to the world. The lamp has the functions of photovoltaic power generation, intelligent lighting, Bluetooth broadcasting system, mobile phone charging, leisure seat and so on. Advanced design, quite scientific and technological sense, in meeting the functional lighting, landscape lighting at the same time embodies the needs of humanized lighting.

              Product Description

              ● Design inspiration is "sun umbrella"

              ● Using solar PV system, energy saving and environmental protection,simple installation, no need to lay cable.

              ● Photovoltaic modules is using monocrystalline silicon panels,conversion efficiency is up to 18% , the lifetime is 20 years

              ● The energy storage system is using lithium battery, low temperature resistance, high charging and discharging efficiency and long lifetime.

              ● Built-in advanced microcomputer system, automatic management of switch lights and energy storage systems.monitor the battery discharge condition in real time, adjust the brightness of the light source and turn off time according to the electric quantity.

              ● The lampshade is light diffuser plate lampshade,non-glare

              ● Light source:medium power LED








              The umbrella type multi-function LED landscape courtyard lamp consists of lamp body and lamp pole. The lamp holder includes a central light source cover, a central light source plate, a central light box, a lamp body, a power supply, a top cover, a photovoltaic module, a buckle plate, a light diffuser plate, a light guide plate, a main light source plate, a main light source box, a main light source bracket, etc. The lamp body is provided with a central light source box, and the central light source plate is placed in it. Set the center light source cover and close the center light box. The central light source cover is a translucent light diffusion material, which makes the light of the central light source board soft and uniform. The upper side of the lamp body has an electric barn on the upper side, which can be loaded into the power supply, and the top cover is provided to close the electrical storage. The main light box, inside the main light plate, the main light LED lamp is light into the light guide plate has a light, laser, can be the main source of light from the side into the light by the surface reflects. The upper side of the light guide plate is provided with a reflective film that can reflect the refracted light downward and make full use of the light. The light diffuser is arranged in the light guide plate, which can make the light downwards and reflected evenly and softly. The main light source is set, the main light source box, the main light source board, the light guide plate, the reflective film and the light diffusion plate are fixed into one whole to become the main light source group. The lamp body card groove structure, can be inserted into the main light source group. A button plate is set to close the socket of the lamp body. A concave cavity is arranged on the upper side of the lamp body, and the photovoltaic module can be placed in it. The photovoltaic module can convert the light energy into the electric energy for the whole lamp system. The lamppost includes a seat frame, a seat baffle, a sound box, a sound box frame, a variable diameter cover, a main rod, a panel, a USB charge, a protective cover, a switch button and so on. 1-10 seat frames are arranged at the bottom of the main rod, and the seat rack is fixed with 1-20 seat baffles. Set up 1-6 sound boxes for broadcasting systems to broadcast or the passers-by connecting Bluetooth to music. The sound box is fixed to the box frame and loaded into the main rod. There are several holes in the box frame and the main rod for the sound to pass out. Set the sound box button to control the speaker to play voice hints. Set up a USB charger that can be used by passers-by to charge the mobile phone. A panel for box button and USB charger installation, the protective cover and the shaft pin connection panel design, decoration and protection of USB charger. Set the variable diameter cover to the diameter of the lamp. The umbrella type multi-function LED landscape garden lamp uses LED light source and energy from solar energy. It has the advantages of energy saving, environmental protection and long service life. A variety of functions can be realized, such as converting solar energy to electric energy, lighting, access broadcasting system, connecting mobile phone Bluetooth music, mobile phone charging, and leisure seat. The light of the main light source can realize the uniform luminescence of the whole large luminous surface after the light guide plate, the reflective film and the light diffusion plate, so that the light is soft. The central light source is different from the color of the main light source, creating a warm and soft atmosphere. Using bionic design, the inspiration comes from the modeling of the sun umbrella, the line is simple and smooth, the appearance is natural and generous. Not only has the good lighting effect, but also has the leisure entertainment, the energy consumption is low, the maintenance is convenient, and can beautify and decorate the environment new multi-function LED landscape courtyard lamp.


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              景觀庭院燈“銀河” 2017年阿拉丁神燈獎 優(yōu)秀產(chǎn)品獎 

              LED路燈D161“盛蓮”2016年阿拉丁神燈獎 優(yōu)秀產(chǎn)品獎


              濟南三星燈飾有限公司成立于1993年,由三人創(chuàng)業(yè)而成,現(xiàn)已發(fā)展為生產(chǎn)占地170000平方米,建筑面積70000平方米,集研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷售、服務為一體的綜合型、專業(yè)化戶外照明企業(yè),同時擁有自己的熱鍍鋅企業(yè)。 公司擁有國內(nèi)領先的照明產(chǎn)品檢測中心,有光分布測試實驗室、光色電綜合測試實驗室、安規(guī)測試實驗室、高低溫測試實驗室、防塵測試實驗室、防水測試實驗室,確保每一款產(chǎn)品的綜合品質都能夠通過市場的嚴格檢驗和客戶的高度認可。 


              公司先后通過了歐洲CE認證、ISO9001:2008質量管理體系認證,先后獲得“高新技術企業(yè)” 、“重合同守信用單位”、“2011中國設計獎-紅棉獎”等殊榮,國家專利和國家科技進步獎達幾十余項。 




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