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              太陽(yáng)能一體化庭院燈 J181-Dream——2018神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)設(shè)計(jì)類(lèi)

              2018/3/14 14:04:27 作者: 來(lái)源:濟(jì)南三星燈飾有限公司
              摘要:太陽(yáng)能一體化庭院燈 J181-Dream,為濟(jì)南三星燈飾有限公司2018神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)設(shè)計(jì)類(lèi)產(chǎn)品。



              太陽(yáng)能一體化庭院燈  J181-Dream






              ● 簡(jiǎn)約時(shí)尚的外觀(guān)設(shè)計(jì),擁有獨(dú)立的知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)

              ● 采用太陽(yáng)能光伏系統(tǒng),節(jié)能環(huán)保、安裝簡(jiǎn)單,不需鋪設(shè)電纜

              ● 光伏組件采用單晶硅電池板,轉(zhuǎn)換效率高達(dá) 18%,使用壽命 20 年

              ● 儲(chǔ)能系統(tǒng)采用鋰電池,耐低溫性能好、充放電效率高,使用壽命長(zhǎng)

              ● 內(nèi)置先進(jìn)的微電腦系統(tǒng),對(duì)開(kāi)關(guān)燈及儲(chǔ)能系統(tǒng)進(jìn)行自動(dòng)管理,實(shí)時(shí)監(jiān)控電池放電情況,根據(jù)電量自動(dòng)調(diào)整光源亮度及關(guān)燈時(shí)間 。

              ● 高壓鑄鋁燈體,抗沖擊,使用壽命長(zhǎng)

              ● 光源采用高光效 LED

              The flying dandelion fluff, like a small umbrella flying, they are eager to fly, in the distance, people also like dreams, days before what can tiptoe can be closer to the sun, so the landscape garden lights "Dandelion" design which uses texture design, lamp holder, true to life natural beauty. At the same time, the lamp has a solar powered version, energy saving and environmental protection.

              Simple fashion design with independent intellectual property rights.

              Solar photovoltaic system, energy saving and environmental protection, simple installation, no need to lay cable.

              The photovoltaic module uses the single crystal silicon battery board, the conversion efficiency is up to 18%, the service life is 20 years.

              The energy storage system uses lithium battery. It has good low temperature resistance, high charging and discharging efficiency and long service life.

              Built in advanced microcomputer system for automatic management of switching lights and energy storage systems.

              Monitor the battery discharge situation, according to the quantity of electricity automatically adjust the brightness of the light source and turn off the light time.

              High pressure cast aluminum lamp body, impact resistance and long service life.






              2、所述燈體上部設(shè)太陽(yáng)能光伏組件、下方設(shè)光源板,所述光源板由鋁基板與LED燈珠組成,共設(shè)1-50個(gè)光源板。光源板外設(shè)外側(cè)防水膠條、壓花鋁板。鋰電池安裝板與燈體連接 ,外設(shè)接線(xiàn)排、鋰電池、透光罩、內(nèi)側(cè)防水膠條,燈托通過(guò)螺栓與燈體連接,通過(guò)太陽(yáng)能光伏組件為鋰電池充電,鋰電池為光源提供電能。 



              The LED landscape courtyard lamp, which can be powered by solar or city electricity. The following are the technical and technological innovation points of the solar landscape garden lights. 

              1, the solar LED courtyard lamp includes lamp holder, inner waterproof adhesive strip, light transmission hood, lithium battery, wiring row, lithium battery mounting plate, light source plate, embossed aluminum plate, outer waterproof adhesive strip, lamp body and solar photovoltaic module. 

              2, the lamp body is provided with a solar photovoltaic component is arranged below the light source, the light source plate, plate made of aluminum substrate with LED beads, a total of 1-50 light board. The exterior waterproof adhesive strip and embossed aluminum plate are arranged outside the light source board. The lithium battery mounting plate is connected with the lamp body, the external wiring terminal, the lithium battery, the transparent cover and the inner waterproof adhesive strip. The lamp holder is connected with the lamp body through bolts, and is charged by the solar photovoltaic module, and the lithium battery provides electric energy for the light source. 

              3, at present, the conversion efficiency of solar PV modules is 18%, and the service life is 25 years. The lithium battery has good low temperature performance, high charging and discharging efficiency and long service life, and is equipped with an advanced microcomputer system to automatically manage switch lights and energy storage systems. 

              4, this type of lamp not only has lighting function, but also adopts bionic design method, inspired by dandelion, its line is concise and smooth, its appearance is natural and generous, and it also satisfies the decorating function of the new LED courtyard lamp.


              景觀(guān)庭院燈“盛蓮” 2017年阿拉丁神燈獎(jiǎng) 十大設(shè)計(jì)獎(jiǎng)  優(yōu)秀設(shè)計(jì)獎(jiǎng) 

              景觀(guān)庭院燈“銀河” 2017年阿拉丁神燈獎(jiǎng) 優(yōu)秀產(chǎn)品獎(jiǎng) 

              LED路燈D161“盛蓮”2016年阿拉丁神燈獎(jiǎng) 優(yōu)秀產(chǎn)品獎(jiǎng)


              濟(jì)南三星燈飾有限公司成立于1993年,由三人創(chuàng)業(yè)而成,現(xiàn)已發(fā)展為生產(chǎn)占地170000平方米,建筑面積70000平方米,集研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷(xiāo)售、服務(wù)為一體的綜合型、專(zhuān)業(yè)化戶(hù)外照明企業(yè),同時(shí)擁有自己的熱鍍鋅企業(yè)。 公司擁有國(guó)內(nèi)領(lǐng)先的照明產(chǎn)品檢測(cè)中心,有光分布測(cè)試實(shí)驗(yàn)室、光色電綜合測(cè)試實(shí)驗(yàn)室、安規(guī)測(cè)試實(shí)驗(yàn)室、高低溫測(cè)試實(shí)驗(yàn)室、防塵測(cè)試實(shí)驗(yàn)室、防水測(cè)試實(shí)驗(yàn)室,確保每一款產(chǎn)品的綜合品質(zhì)都能夠通過(guò)市場(chǎng)的嚴(yán)格檢驗(yàn)和客戶(hù)的高度認(rèn)可。 


              公司先后通過(guò)了歐洲CE認(rèn)證、ISO9001:2008質(zhì)量管理體系認(rèn)證,先后獲得“高新技術(shù)企業(yè)” 、“重合同守信用單位”、“2011中國(guó)設(shè)計(jì)獎(jiǎng)-紅棉獎(jiǎng)”等殊榮,國(guó)家專(zhuān)利和國(guó)家科技進(jìn)步獎(jiǎng)達(dá)幾十余項(xiàng)。 




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