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              150W UFO LED 工礦燈 STH-150AC1-UFO——2018神燈獎申報產(chǎn)品

              2017/12/15 10:16:36 作者: 來源:東莞市紅富照明科技有限公司
              摘要:150W UFO LED 工礦燈 STH-150AC1-UFO,為東莞市紅富照明科技有限公司2018神燈獎申報產(chǎn)品。

              項目名稱:  150W UFO LED 工礦燈 STH-150AC1-UFO

              申報單位:  東莞市紅富照明科技有限公司


              150W UFO LED High bay light is our own mould
              special shape with very good heat dissipation.
              high CRI, high lumen up to 150LM/W, energy saving up to 90%
              IP65 outdoor using
              (150W UFO 工礦燈是我司開模的模具,特殊的外觀設計,擁有很好的散熱效果,高顯色指數(shù),高流明達150LM/W以上,節(jié)能達90%,整燈有IP65的防水等級,適合室內(nèi)戶外使用)


              150W UFO LED High bay light
              own mould with special shape housing.
              philips 3030 chip and Meanwell driver
              super bright 150LM/W
              IP65 rated
              (150W UFO 工礦燈
              私模,外觀獨特,飛利浦3030芯片和明緯電源,高流明達150LM/W以上,IP65 防水等級,)



              we using best materials, philips chip and Meanwell driver
              our lumen is very high, 150LM/W
              We have best prices on market


              Our 150W UFO LED High bay can design with 3 type of mounting ways,
              can replace the traditional high bay easier and more convenient, save labor cost and time.

              Fashion shape with very good heat dissipation.
              (150W UFO工礦燈 設計有3種不用的安裝支架和掛鉤,可以直接替換傳統(tǒng)工礦燈,安裝方便,節(jié)約人工和時間,獨特外殼設計,市場上比較受歡迎,散熱性能好)



              customer using in warehouse,
              only one lamp can be really bright.


              patent is under applying


              SLT LIGHTING is professional manufacturer of outdoor lighting, led flood light, led wall pack light, led shoebox light, UFO led high bay light, 10-1000W Available, DLC UL CUL CE RoHS ERP IP65 FCC CCC approvals.


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