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              2017/11/28 11:27:04 作者: 來(lái)源:深圳市遠(yuǎn)崢盛翔科技有限公司

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  太陽(yáng)能智能監(jiān)控照明一體化庭院燈TSZ-02-300

              申報(bào)單位:  深圳市遠(yuǎn)崢盛翔科技有限公司



              Smart solar garden lamp lighting integration TSZ - 02-300 has a unique appearance design, use the new design concept, set a number of intelligent functions in one, this series of products not only belongs to the new energy products, in terms of exterior design, both the capsule, science fiction flying saucer, fly the blue sky, no edge curve streamline curve design such as color, lighting and 24-hour monitoring function, at the same time. In practice, during the day at night is a lamp, a work of art, high throughout the day are safe and defender of the intelligent products.


              太陽(yáng)能板轉(zhuǎn)換輸入:?jiǎn)尉Ч?0W、 15V    
              照明燈:9W飛利浦3030燈珠     6000-6500K
              監(jiān)控功耗:3W   300萬(wàn)360°全景攝像頭,帶夜視功能。
              攝像頭模塊內(nèi)存:16G 、32G 、64G 、128G
              通訊方式:  2.4G  WIFI熱點(diǎn),WIFI路由,手機(jī)APP監(jiān)控,電腦監(jiān)控
              產(chǎn)品凈重:7.5 KG

              TSZ - 02-300 parameters:
              Built-in lithium battery: 11.1 V20AH
              The solar panels convert input: 40 w monocrystalline silicon, 15 v
              Floodlight: 9 w philips 3030 lights, 3030-6500 k
              Lamp bead efficiency: > 135 lm/W
              Color rendering index: Ra > 80
              Lamplight illuminate radius: 10 meters
              Monitor power consumption: 3 w, 3 million, 360 ° panoramic camera, with the function of night vision.
              Surveillance camera range: radius of 300 meters (10 meters to see face)
              Infrared night vision range: 5-10 meters
              Camera module memory: 16 g, 32 g, 64 g, 128 g
              Video compression standard, h. 264
              Communications: 2.4 G wi-fi hotspots, wi-fi router, the mobile phone APP monitor, computer monitor
              Charging time: 5-8 hours
              Disge time: 32-40 hours
              Product size: 665 * 528 * 240 mm
              Net weight: 7.5 KG
              9 kg gross weight:
              Packing size: 600 * 280 * 610 mm
              Material: die-casting aluminum + ABS



              ——科技感強(qiáng) ---- 整燈骨架、功能倉(cāng)體及太陽(yáng)能電池托盤采用環(huán)保、高強(qiáng)度壓鑄鋁合金材料一次壓模成型,具有美觀、耐腐、耐壓、抗風(fēng)能力強(qiáng)等特點(diǎn)。尤其把太空探索理念融入產(chǎn)品外觀設(shè)計(jì),即解決了傳統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品的應(yīng)用缺點(diǎn),抗風(fēng)抗腐能力更強(qiáng),又使力學(xué)原理在現(xiàn)實(shí)產(chǎn)品應(yīng)用中更趨完美,外觀更富科技感和藝術(shù)感,放眼望去讓人美不勝收,產(chǎn)生無(wú)限遐想。
              ——精確的線路設(shè)計(jì) ----  線路設(shè)計(jì)采用精確布局方式,在整體產(chǎn)品外圍無(wú)裸露連線;即美觀實(shí)用,又避免因連接線路外露,在長(zhǎng)期風(fēng)吹、雨淋、日曬的情況下產(chǎn)生過(guò)早的線路老化,造成設(shè)備癱瘓。
              ——防水等級(jí)高 ---- 產(chǎn)品整體防水等級(jí)達(dá)到IP67以上標(biāo)準(zhǔn),除不怕大雨澆淋之外,客戶可放心采用沖水方式定期對(duì)產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行沖洗。
              ——高清監(jiān)控 ---- 本系列產(chǎn)品除可用于亮化目的之外,還有24小時(shí)紅外高清攝像及監(jiān)控功能,存儲(chǔ)空間達(dá)到168小時(shí)或360小時(shí);集成拍照、攝像、錄音、遠(yuǎn)距離語(yǔ)音對(duì)話、聯(lián)網(wǎng)互動(dòng)和遠(yuǎn)程操控等高科技智能設(shè)計(jì);利用智能手機(jī)在該設(shè)備20m范圍內(nèi),可通過(guò)熱點(diǎn)追蹤,翻看存儲(chǔ)在設(shè)備內(nèi)部的所有時(shí)間段錄像資料,科技含量十足,在同類產(chǎn)品中處領(lǐng)先地位。
              ——高配置產(chǎn)品:配置方面采用18V  28W---40W高轉(zhuǎn)換效率單晶硅太陽(yáng)能電池片、12V  8AH---20AH儲(chǔ)能型環(huán)保鋰電池、130萬(wàn)---210萬(wàn)像素高清攝像頭、5W---15W高亮度進(jìn)口LED集成光源。為使整體系統(tǒng)穩(wěn)定可靠運(yùn)行,控制系統(tǒng)采用國(guó)內(nèi)知名廠家的高集成化控制方案和智能化指揮系統(tǒng),保證監(jiān)控?cái)z像功能長(zhǎng)期不間斷工作之外,燈具可智能化分時(shí)段亮燈,也可遙控開(kāi)關(guān)燈;并在連續(xù)五個(gè)陰雨天內(nèi)可保持正常工作。
              ——互連報(bào)警系統(tǒng)  不久的將來(lái),繼智慧城市之風(fēng)實(shí)現(xiàn)智慧農(nóng)村;設(shè)備可與公安系統(tǒng)、社區(qū)管理、氣象預(yù)報(bào)等聯(lián)網(wǎng)聯(lián)動(dòng),遭遇突發(fā)事件及時(shí)報(bào)警,有力的保障人民財(cái)產(chǎn)安全及人身安全。
              無(wú)可比擬的優(yōu)點(diǎn) 本產(chǎn)品利用太陽(yáng)的能量,晚上是一盞免交電費(fèi)的照明燈具、白天成為炫麗的完美藝術(shù)品、晝夜為主人的忠實(shí)守護(hù)者。集節(jié)能、環(huán)保、穩(wěn)固、實(shí)用、美觀、前衛(wèi)、科幻和智能為一身,就是對(duì)該產(chǎn)品的準(zhǔn)確詮釋。

              - strong sense of science and technology, the whole body and light frame, function storehouse solar battery tray with environmental protection, high strength die-casting alloy materials once die forming, with beautiful, corrosion resistance, compression and strong ability to resist the wind acteristics. Especially put the ideas into products design space exploration, which has solved the traditional product application faults, stronger corrosion resistance, wind resistance and mechanics principle in real applications more hasten is perfect, the product look more rich sense of science and technology and art feeling, let a person look beautiful, produce infinite daydream.
              - precise circuit design, circuit design USES precise layout, no bare wires on the fringes of the whole product; Both beautiful and practical, and avoid the connection line, in the long run under the condition of the wind and rain, the sun produces premature aging line, caused the paralysis.
              - high waterproof grade - waterproof products overall level is IP67 above standard, in addition to not afraid of the heavy rain to douse, customers can rest assured of the product by flushing way regular washing.
              , high-definition monitor, in addition to the series of products can be used for lighting purpose, there are 24 hours infrared high-definition cameras and monitoring functions, storage space up to 168 hours or 360 hours; Integrated photo, video-taping, recording, remote voice conversations, remote control and network interactive high-tech intelligent design; Using smart phones in the device 20 m range, by hot tracking, looking at all the time video data stored within the device, scientific and technological content, in similar products in the leading position.
              - modular installation: the overall functional components using modular installation, realize the real meaning of installation convenient and rapid change.
              - high configuration product: configuration using 18 v 28 w - 40 w high conversion efficiency of monocrystalline silicon solar cell, 12 v 8 ah - 20 ah lithium battery energy storage type environmental protection, 1.3 million - 2.1 million pixels high definition camera, 5 w - 15 w imported high brightness LED integrated light source. To make the whole system is stable and reliable operation, the control system adopts domestic well-known manufacturers of high integrated intelligent control scheme and command system, to ensure long uninterrupted monitoring camera function outside of work, lamps and lanterns can intelligent time-sharing Duan Liang lamp, also can remote control to open to turn off the lights; And in five consecutive rainy day can keep the normal work.
              - interconnection alarm systems in the near future, the urban rural wind to achieve wisdom wisdom; Equipment to the public security system, community management, weather forecasting, such as networking linkage, ener emergency alarm in time, effectively ensure the security of peoples property and personal safety.
              Incomparable advantages this product use energy  the sun, the night is a light exempt  electric lighting lamps and lanterns day and night, day become glaring perfect works of art, give priority to people loyal guardians. Set of energy-saving, environmental protection, stable, practical, beautiful, avant-garde, science fiction and intelligent for a suit, is for the accurate interpretation of the product.



              廣東茂名農(nóng)莊應(yīng)用實(shí)績(jī) 用戶評(píng)價(jià):

              Guangdong maoming farm application performance reviews:
              1, the night is a light exempt  electricity lighting lamps and lanterns,
              2, the day becomes the perfect art of dazzle beautiful,
              3, day and night to give priority to peoples loyal guardians.
              4 set of energy-saving, environmental protection, stable, practical, beautiful, avant-garde, science fiction, and smart as a whole.



              Solar energy integration of monitoring illumination courtyard lamp won the national certification authority and awarded national patent certificate





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