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              美格朗 高亮度面板燈 PL-6060——2018神燈獎申報產品

              2017/11/10 11:24:17 作者: 來源:深圳市美格朗半導體照明有限公司
              摘要:美格朗 高亮度面板燈 PL-6060,為深圳市美格朗半導體照明有限公司2018神燈獎申報產品。

              項目名稱:  美格朗 高亮度面板燈 PL-6060

              申報單位:  深圳市美格朗半導體照明有限公司



              This product is designed, created and modeled by our Reseraching and Developing team. By comparing all kinds of parameters and after endless experiments, we carefully use the kind of LED chips and the thickness of the PMMA light guild plate to meet the standard of energy saving. Aluminum sticks design helps to solve the heat dissipation problem and also reach a point of high efficacy. The use of the back plate is another good patent  us. Experiments show that the unsmoothy design of the back cover gives a stronger construction to the panel. This design can help erasing the concern of bending  suspention installation.



              Model No: PL-6060
              光效:90LM/W, 100LM/W, 110LM/W, 125LM/W                                 Efficacy: 90LM/W, 100LM/W, 110LM/W, 125LM/W
              色溫:3000K, 3500K,4000K,5000K,6000K.                                   Color temperature: 3000K, 3500K,4000K,5000K,6000K.
              無頻閃                                                       Flicker free
              導光板:主要使用PMMA/ MS在客戶要求下可以使用                             LGP: PMMA/ MS available when requested
              導入電壓:100-240/277, 120-347V (加拿大地區(qū))                             In put Voltage: 100-240/277, 120-347V available
              調光功能:Triac, Dali, Push, 0-10V                                     Dimming function: Triac, Dali, Push, 0-10V
              調色溫:Dali+Push, CCT&DIM                                         CCT: Dali+Push, CCT&DIM
              R9>0                                                         R9>0
              SDCM<5                                                       SDCM<5
              質保:3、5、7年                                                 Warranty: 3/5/7 years



              Our company has hardware like frame cutting machine, double side welding robot, bolishing machine and punching machine to make our panel frame totally seamless. This technology is only being used by MGL, double side welding tech makes the frame stronger and no light leakage. New punching machine created a shape of panel with unsmoothy back cover, enhanced the construction  another side. We have our own way in using the light guild plate. We imported a cutting machine, polishing machine and silk printing machine to customise the size of the LGP, and print some dots on the LGP to make the light that is uniformity and less glare. PMMA prevents the panel  turning yellow forever.



              Our factory is located in Shenzhen Baoan District. We have a lot of stable clients in European and North American area. We even have our agencies in England and Easral.
              Our products are being used in offices, hospital, church, school, supermarket and gym.




              深圳市美格朗半導體照明有限公司創(chuàng)建于2009年, 公司總部位于深圳市寶安區(qū)。美格朗公司致力于LED照明技術的研發(fā)、LED照明產品的設計、生產和銷售。產品通過了GS、UL、TUV、CE、FCC、ROHS、CCC等權威認證,性能達到世界領先水準。產品聚焦于室內商照領域,廣泛應用于各大商場、超市、購物中心、學校、辦公大樓、酒店、工礦、停車場等等公共照明、商用照明、大空間照明等多個領域。 


              這是一個資源整合的時代。公司秉承“專業(yè)生產,服務渠道”的經營模式,用我們的制造優(yōu)勢,與渠道共贏,并肩成長。持續(xù)的為客戶提供高標準、高質量 ,高性價比的LED照明產品,是我們不懈的追求。“做世界最具競爭力的LED商照品牌”是我們永恒的目標。 

              專業(yè),是MGL人的能力;專注,是MGL人的精神;共贏,是MGL人的追求! MGL期待與您共創(chuàng)LED照明的美好明天!


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