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              星百麗 柔性霓虹燈帶S-FR-F22——2018神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)產(chǎn)品

              2017/11/7 17:37:34 作者: 來(lái)源:廣州市星百麗照明科技有限公司
              摘要:星百麗 柔性霓虹燈帶S-FR-F22,為廣州市星百麗照明科技有限公司2018神燈獎(jiǎng)申報(bào)產(chǎn)品。

              項(xiàng)目名稱:  星百麗 柔性霓虹燈帶S-FR-F22

              申報(bào)單位:  廣州市星百麗照明科技有限公司


              1) 高流明值,顯值Ra>:80 >80. ;
              2)抗紫外線PVC,1年之內(nèi)膠體不會(huì)變黃 ;
              3) 高質(zhì)量的芯片,50000個(gè)小時(shí)的使用壽命 ;
              證書(shū):CE/ROHS by TUV. IP68防水測(cè)試
              不良品率: 我們能保證每個(gè)訂單的質(zhì)量很好,不良品率少于1%

              Product Features:
              1) High illumination, Ra>:80
              2)UV resistance construction, PVC jacker do not turn yellow within one year;
              3) 50000 hours life span, High quality and big SMD LED chip;
              4)High IP rating(IP68);
              5)Warranty: 2-3 years;
              6) reliable performance

              Certificate: CE, ROHS tested by TUV; IP68 certificate

              Defective percentage: We can assure that our quality for each order is good enough. And the defective percentage is much less than 1%


              3、功率:12W 每米;
              4、材料: PVC;
              5、燈數(shù)/每米:120燈 2835 貼片燈珠;
              6、顯指: Ra>80;
              7、防水等級(jí): IP68;
              8、彎曲直徑: 12cm;

              1、Voltage: 24V;
              2、Size: 16*17mm;
              3、Material: PVC;
              4、Leds per meter: 120pcs 2835;
              5、Power per meter: 12W/m;
              6、CRI: Ra>80;
              7、Bending diameter: 12cm;
              8、Ip Rating: IP68。



              Injection accessories (Make injection in the factory in advance)


              長(zhǎng)隆野生動(dòng)物園運(yùn)用; 百萬(wàn)葵園運(yùn)用;馬來(lái)西亞寺廟等建設(shè)。





              我們有豐富的設(shè)計(jì)、制造、營(yíng)銷和服務(wù)經(jīng)驗(yàn)。10年照明工程與客戶合作。我們的產(chǎn)品被證明對(duì)防水性能優(yōu)越(高達(dá)IP68),抗紫外線,DIY切割 和連接附件,方便用于各種工程。我公司擁有先進(jìn)的LED燈具生產(chǎn)設(shè)備如擠出機(jī),回流焊接機(jī),和專業(yè)的測(cè)試設(shè)備,如IP68防水等級(jí)測(cè)試機(jī)、積分球等。

              我們熱衷于產(chǎn)品研究,基于我們的LED知識(shí),我們不斷致力于改進(jìn)產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)以滿足您的照明要求。優(yōu)秀的星百麗照明已經(jīng)為成千上萬(wàn)的設(shè)計(jì)師的靈感。 世界各地的建筑師和工程師和我們一起積極探索。 作為客戶的業(yè)務(wù)伙伴,我們樂(lè)于提供解決方案,以知識(shí)和熱情帶來(lái)價(jià)值,以滿足您的需求。

              Senbe lighting Co., Ltd was founded in 2006, which is specialized in neon flex led for 11 years. We supply high quality linear lighting solutions based on flexible printed circuit boards for decorative or architectural applications. They can be used indoor or outdoor. We have ETL, CE and ROHS by TUV for all products

              We has rich experience in design, manufacturing, marketing and service. After about 10 years lighting project cooperation with customers. Our products are proved to superior performance on waterproof (Up to IP68), UV resistant, DIY cutting & connecting accessories and uniform neon light effect. Our company has advanced LED luminaire manufacturing facilities such as extruding machine, reflow soldering machine, and professional test equipment, such as IP68 waterproof level test machine, integrating spheres, etc.

              Light is our passion. Based on the depth our LED knowledge, we are constantly working on improving products and service for your lighting requirement. Excellent Senbe Lighting has already provided inspiration for thousands of designers, architects and engineers all over the world. With our customer, we actively explore the ideas in architectural, residencial, commercial, industrial lighting and special auxiliary lighting
              As the customers’ business partner, we are happy to provide solutions and bring value with knowledge and passion to satisfy you.


              日本成人有码尤物,亚洲欧美成人精品香蕉网,亚洲国产成人精品无码区密柚,成人乱人伦免费视频网 (function(){ var bp = document.createElement('script'); var curProtocol = window.location.protocol.split(':')[0]; if (curProtocol === 'https') { bp.src = 'https://zz.bdstatic.com/linksubmit/push.js'; } else { bp.src = 'http://push.zhanzhang.baidu.com/push.js'; } var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(bp, s); })();