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              2017/11/7 10:47:21 作者: 來源:群智科技股份有限公司

              項目名稱:  照明導航


              申報單位:  群智科技股份有限公司



               群智科技所開發(fā)的手持型「智能光譜儀 - 照明護照」系列產(chǎn)品,是業(yè)界第一個將光譜照度儀與移動裝置結(jié)合使用的光色檢測設(shè)備。使用者能透過這樣的「智能光譜儀」,檢驗並分析指定光源的光色資訊,並透過無線傳輸技術(shù),達到無陰影干擾的無線遙控量測,也因為與移動裝置的APP結(jié)合,使用者能透過各種專業(yè)的應(yīng)用APP,將想知道的各種光色資訊即時呈現(xiàn)在移動裝置中,檢視、儲存、比較、分析與分享。這些量測資訊也能同步至群智科技的雲(yún)端服務(wù)系統(tǒng),使用者可以透過雲(yún)端系統(tǒng)的一系列服務(wù)獲得更多更優(yōu)質(zhì)的使用體驗。



               『照明導航』內(nèi)建了 3,300 筆以上的室內(nèi)外國家「照明標準」,可以讓使用者在照明規(guī)劃與驗收確認光色資料時,能同時確認其照明場所的安全性與適用性。且『照明導航』也是首款能量測並計算「均齊度」的儀器,而這個與視覺績效和疲勞相關(guān)的「人因照明」重要參數(shù),將能為照明場所中每一個人的安全與健康把關(guān)。


               Lighting Navigator is a smart handheld spectrometer specifically developed with lighting evaluation applications in mind. Powered by a high precision spectrophotometry engine and integrated with a robust mobile app and cloud service designed exclusively for evaluating light sources, Lighting Navigator allows users to quickly assess what kind of lighting to use in a particular setting and whether lighting standards required by national regulations are met.

               Developed by Asensetek, the Lighting Passport series of smart handheld spectrometers is the first color and lighting measurement apparatus of its kind in the industry to combine the functionality of an illuminance spectrophotometer with the ease and portability of a mobile device. Equipped with a Lighting Passport, users can examine and analyze lighting and color information of various light sources as well as take remote measurements using wireless technology to avoid shadow interference. In addition, Lighting Passport includes a versatile mobile app which includes an assortment of specialized apps that enable users to view desired color and lighting information in real-time, including viewing, saving, comparing, analyzing, and sharing functionality. Measurement data can also be synced up with Asensetek's Cloud Service, providing users with a more robust and higher quality user experience through an array of cloud services.

               Lighting Navigator further builds on the concept of a smart spectrometer by utilizing the same spectral engine and system framework of Lighting Passport to deliver a light measuring instrument which is ideal for new and professional users alike, putting an emphasis on health and comfort.

               As many of us are already aware, when it comes to lighting professionals, true lighting design is about more than just competent planning and taking into consideration the aesthetics of light and color. Lighting design also impacts our comfort level and physical and mental wellbeing within a given space. This is demonstrated by the increasing attention the lighting industry has been placing on lighting standards and ergonomic lighting in recent years. As the world's first smart spectrometer, Lighting Navigator was created in response to these trends by including built-in lighting standards and ergonomic lighting parameters.

               In fact, Lighting Navigator features more than 3,300 built-in national lighting standards for both indoor and outdoor applications. This means that, when confirming color and lighting data during the planning and inspection stages, a user can simultaneously verify the security, safety, and suitability of lighting under almost any lighting scenario imaginable. Lighting Navigator is also the first device of its kind to be able to measure and calculate uniformity, which is an important parameter in ergonomic lighting related to visual performance and fatigue. Obtaining proper uniformity is critical to ensuring health and safety in various lighting settings.

               Lighting Navigator is an extremely versatile tool that can help hard-working professionals on the front lines of the lighting industry in many ways. Personnel at lighting project worksites, for example, can use Lighting Navigator to quickly measure and confirm whether installed lighting fixtures meet color quality requirements. Lighting designers, on the other hand, can create customized databases of lighting measurements for various lighting fixtures, saving time and speeding up the initial planning stage. Meanwhile, lighting coordinators and inspectors can compare sets of measurement data against built-in national lighting standards, providing reliable results for use in evaluations and validations. Finally, lighting sales reps can help customers select the best lighting solution for their needs by offering simple and intuitive explanations of lighting applications and utilizing interactive merchandising techniques.



              380 nm ~ 780 nm


              5 ~ 50,000 lux



              10 nm


              (@1,000 lux 標準光源)

              照度:± 5 %

              相關(guān)色溫:± 3.5 %


              6 ms ~ 16 s







              相關(guān)色溫 (CCT)

              顯色指數(shù) (CRI Ra)

              照度 (Illuminance)

              呎燭光 (Foot Candle)

              全彩光譜圖 (Spectrum Diagram)

              均齊度 (Illuminance Uniformity, U0)


              中國照明標準 (GB)

              國際照明標準 (ISO/ CIE)

              德國照明標準 (DIN)

              北美照明標準 (IES)

              西班牙照明標準 (UNE)

              意大利照明標準 (UNI)

              英國照明標準 (BSI)

              WELL建築照明標準 (IWBI)

              日本照明標準 (JISC)

              臺灣照明標準 (CNS)






              63.1 mm x 17.5 mm x 63.1 mm (WxTxH)


              92 g ± 1 g (含底座立具)






              行動保護盒、USB 磁吸線、立具、攜行袋








              iOS / Android











              Wavelength Range

              380 nm ~ 780 nm

              Illuminance Range

              5 ~ 50,000 lux

              Optical Resolution (FWHM)

              10 nm


              (@ 1,000lux standard light source)

              CCT:± 3.5 %

              Illuminance:± 5 %

              Integration Time

              6 ms ~ 16 s

              Measurement Mode

              APP Remote Measurement

              Single Measurement

              Measurement Data Comparison

              Project Management

              Lighting Assessment (CCT, CRI, Lux, Spectrum)

              Measurement Capabilities


              CRI Ra

              Illuminance / Foot Candle

              Spectrum Diagram

              Illuminance Uniformity (U0)

              Lighting Standard List

              China Lighting Standard (GB)

              International Lighting Standard (ISO / CIE)

              Germany Lighting Standard (DIN)

              North American Lighting Standard (IES)

              Spain Lighting Standard (UNE)

              Italy Lighting Standard (UNI)

              Britain Lighting Standard (BSI)

              WELL Building Lighting Standard (IWBI)

              Japan Lighting Standard (JISC)

              Taiwan Lighting Standard (CNS)

              Other Features

              Photograph, Note, Auto Connection, GPS Orientation, Record Tag Setting, Record Search, Multiple Records' Standard Assessment


              English, German, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese

              Approximate Dimensions

              63.1 mm x 17.5 mm x 63.1 mm (WxTxH)

              Approximate Weight

              92 g ± 1 g

              Display Screen

              User's Smart device's high-resolution color screen

              Power Supply

              Li-ion Battery


              Protective Bag, Magnet Micro USB Cable, Stand, Pocket Bag

              Operating Temperature/

              Humidity Range

              0 ~ 35 °C, relative humidity under 80 % with no condensation

              Storage Temperature/

              Humidity Range

              -10 ~ 45 °C, relative humidity of 85 % or less (@ 35 °C) with no condensation


              Lighting Navigator

              Similar Products

              Spectral Engine

              MOEMS Based Aberration Corrected Concave Spectrograph System

              RGB or XYZ Multi Optical Channel Sensor

              Operating System

              iOS / Android

              Closed Embedded System

              Measurement Parameters

              Not only provides parameters but also shows the lighting standard comparing and rapid screening results.

              Only show parameters

              Development Possibilities

              Easy to update


              Provide a lot of extended internet and cloud services

              Not easy to update


              Does not provide other types of extension services


              Less than a business card

              Approximate palm-sized


              1. 在「國家半導體照明工程」的推動下,目標半導體照明節(jié)能產(chǎn)業(yè)產(chǎn)值年均增長率在30%左右,然而中國不少城市的照明產(chǎn)品卻未能達標。2016年12月至2017年3月,廣東佛山對LED 燈具等進行抽樣檢測,結(jié)果顯示合格率不到一半。2017年4月,成都公布的2016年第四季度節(jié)能燈商品質(zhì)量抽檢中,有8批次商品樣品不合格。



              2. 由於現(xiàn)時照明市場的價格戰(zhàn)況激烈,部分LED生產(chǎn)廠商使用不合標準的材料,藉此減低生產(chǎn)成本,這是導致合格率低的原因之一。另外,也因為過往高光學解析度的檢測設(shè)備價格高昂,造成許多廠商只能望之卻步。如最知名的高光學解析度(10 nm)光譜照度儀,美能達 CL-500,經(jīng)過多年的調(diào)降價格,一臺的售價仍高達近三萬五千元人民幣。如這情況持續(xù),將妨礙照明產(chǎn)品的健康發(fā)展。

               『照明導航』擁有破壞性的市場價格,同樣光學解析度(10 nm)等級的光譜照度儀,其價格往往在『照明導航』的五倍以上,這樣有感的價格落差與讓利,能確實的讓廠商願意採購嘗試,並藉此提升市場產(chǎn)品整體品質(zhì)。


              3. 時尚、個性、節(jié)能、環(huán)保與健康意識的抬頭,讓家居燈飾不再作為簡單照明,而是成為品質(zhì)生活的需要。時下的消費者更注重燈飾在居室中營造的氛圍,會考慮燈飾是否與家居裝場所配合。燈具的功能也更為細分,適用於不同情境下的燈具慢慢衍生出來,例如書寫燈、日光燈、晚餐燈、落地燈等。



              1. The China Solid State Lighting Alliance (CSSLA) has set an ambitious annual growth rate target of about 30% for the output value of the semiconductor lighting energy-saving industry. However, lighting products sold in cities throughout China still often fail to meet quality standards. From December 2016 to March 2017, the Foshan Consumer Council in Guangdong Province conducted random testing of various lighting products including LED fixtures, and their results revealed an average compliance rate of less than 50%! In April 2017, the Chengdu Administration for Industry and Commerce announced the results of its random quality inspections for Q4 2016, which showed that eight batches of energy-saving lighting products failed to meet requirements.

               These circumstances highlight the market's urgent need for a dependable lighting measurement solution. Lighting Navigator is a full-fledged light measurement apparatus which is highly portable, easy to use, and can help LED manufacturers gain more control over their quality management processes, merchandising, and project inspections. Indeed, Lighting Navigator is precisely the answer the lighting market needs right now.


              2. In light of the intense price wars constantly flaring up in the lighting market, a significant number of LED manufacturers are choosing to use substandard materials in a bid to lower their production costs and this is one of the reasons for the unacceptably low compliance rate. However, the lofty price tag of high-resolution optical sensors has left many manufacturers with their hands tied. For example, although a Minolta CL-500 one of the most well-known illuminance spectrophotometers on the market to feature a high optical resolution (10 nm) has become increasingly affordable over the years, the unit sale price can still range as high as RMB 30,500. As long as this situation continues, it will hinder the development of high-quality, reliable lighting products.

               This is where Lighting Navigator comes in. With its highly attractive and affordable price point, Lighting Navigator is poised to completely reshape the market. Other illuminance spectrophotometers with a comparable optical resolution (10 nm) can cost more than five times as much as Lighting Navigator! With such a significant price disparity and profits on the line, it is no wonder that many manufacturers are eager to obtain Lighting Navigator, and this in turn is helping to boost the overall quality of products on the market.


              3. When it comes to home lighting applications, the increasing demand for products which are fashionable, uniquely personal, energy-saving, eco-friendly, and health-conscious means that "basic lighting" will no longer cut it; instead, the focus is now on the need for higher quality living. Consumers are placing greater emphasis on the ambience created by lighting fixtures and tend to consider whether lighting fixtures properly match other aspects of their home decor. In addition, consumers have more exacting preferences when it comes to the functions of lighting fixtures. As a result, different kinds of lighting fixtures suited for different settings have gradually been developed, such as desk lamps, sun lamps, dining room fixtures, floor lamps, and so forth.

               In response to these lighting design and planning requirements, Lighting Navigator delivers a built-in Lighting Standards Chart and a Lighting Setting Uniformity Calculation feature the only illuminance spectrophotometer on the market to do so. In addition to directly helping lighting designers gain more control over the planning process, this feature enables designers to add more value to their work by taking into account health factors and helps light fixture manufacturers position their products more effectively. Lighting Navigator can also indirectly help interior designers and building contractors achieve greater lighting suitability for indoor, outdoor, and public infrastructure projects.



              『照明導航』採用微機電消色散非球面高效分光系統(tǒng),並將其體積縮小至0.2吋以下(43 mm x 37 mm x10 mm)。且因有濾光片有1/n的解析極限限制,故能較濾片式儀器可解析更多通道的波長資訊。


              『照明導航』採用結(jié)合 iOS 與 Android 的新式系統(tǒng),相較於一般的封閉嵌入式系統(tǒng),『照明導航』能透過 APP 的更新,不斷成長與進步,並搭配即將開放的雲(yún)端服務(wù),讓使用者能輕鬆掌握市場的最新量測參數(shù)與應(yīng)用。






              『照明導航』的外觀不同於一般儀器的沉穩(wěn)外型,以霧面黑的本體塗裝,搭配搶眼炫金的金屬邊框設(shè)計,讓外觀質(zhì)感超乎期待。而 92 g 輕巧的重量與近似名片大小的體積,可以置於上衣口袋中,實現(xiàn)使用者所期待的便攜性。


              Spectral Engine Technology:

              Lighting Navigator features a microelectromechanical high-throughput spectrometry system with a chromatic dispersion cancellation aspheric lens and has ultra slim dimensions of less than 0.2" (43 mm × 37 mm × 10 mm). Moreover, since the optical filter is restricted to a 1/n resolution limit, it can resolve even more channel wavelengths compared to an optical filter device.

               Operating Platform:

              Lighting Navigator is compatible with the latest versions of iOS and Android, and in contrast to ordinary closed embedded systems, Lighting Navigator is constantly being expanded and improved through frequent app updates. In addition, Asensetek's new cloud service will give users a convenient way to easily access the latest lighting industry measurement parameters and applications.

               Display Interface:

              Lighting Navigator is controlled through a smartphone app to display various color parameters of a light source including color temperature, color rendering index (CRI), illuminance, spectrum, and uniformity. Moreover, Lightning Navigator goes above and beyond conventional modes of displaying values by providing a lighting standards evaluation mode, a mode for comparing measurements to specifiable lighting standards, and a project mode for managing multiple light sources. A user-friendly control interface also ensures that users enjoy an easy and intuitive usage experience.

               Optical Algorithms:

              Lighting Navigator's exclusive optical algorithms allow users to acquire precise CRI data, which is important for taking measurements of the newest types of LED light sources. In addition, the app includes an intuitive file manager with powerful features that cannot be found elsewhere such as "Batch Evaluation of Measurement Records" and "Lighting Setting Uniformity Calculation".

               Reliable Craftsmanship and Attractive Design:

              In contrast to the dull appearance of other devices, Lighting Navigator has a stylish matte black finish accented by a striking metallic edge design, giving it a solid and attractive look suited for any occasion. Weighing in at just 92 grams, Lighting Navigator is as light as a feather and only slightly larger than a business card, making highly portable and convenient enough to carry in a shirt pocket.










              User NameLightsale


              User ProfileLightsale is a Dutch lighting sales and lighting project executive. Lightsale provides appropriate lighting planning and quality lighting products for shops, windows, restaurants, offices or homes.


              Practical ApplicationAccording to the lighting standards, planning the lighting output and lighting evenness before the construction; confirming and recording the lighting quality, and comparing the different before and after the construction.


              Lightsale Project Photos



              Wine Shop》圖一


              Fashion Store》圖二


              Mobile Phone Shop》






              Certificate No.: 3214265


              證書號: M475700



              證書號: 202014100392.4




              證書號: 9,074,940







              群智科技成立於 2012 年 3 月,為一家專業(yè)的光機電整合研發(fā)、製造與行銷的公司,由一群對光電充滿熱情的團隊及多位資深的顧問共同創(chuàng)辦,公司團隊成員皆在光電產(chǎn)業(yè)耕耘多年,擁有相當豐富的專業(yè)領(lǐng)域經(jīng)驗。 群智的研發(fā)團隊對於利用微機電(MEMS)、半導體製程設(shè)計並整合光電系統(tǒng)、光電元件的相關(guān)量測、高精密度製作光學系統(tǒng)等技術(shù)相當熟稔,因此,我們能提供比別人更多元且全面的服務(wù)。



              群智的英文名稱為 Asensetek,Asense 是由 A 加上 Sense 的組合字,A 代表頂尖、卓越,而 Sense 則代表感知、感測。Asense 也源自於英文字 essense (本質(zhì)),結(jié)合上中文的公司名稱「群智」,代表著我們希望能以「一群具向心力、創(chuàng)造力的夥伴的智慧,研發(fā)出最棒、能感測環(huán)境/物質(zhì)本質(zhì)的元件,進而改變這個世界」,這也是我們公司創(chuàng)立的使命。





              群智於 2013 年 6 月推出「照明護照」,是全世界第一臺智慧型光譜儀,專注於提供各式光色量測的最佳體驗,並以「照明護照」為平臺,持續(xù)發(fā)展各種不同領(lǐng)域的應(yīng)用,可更新世界最新的標準與參數(shù),掌握業(yè)界的新知與動態(tài)。目前「照明護照」已針對照明設(shè)計、照明從業(yè)人員、植物工廠、穿透率量測、影視產(chǎn)業(yè)等應(yīng)用推出相對應(yīng)的軟硬體整合解決方案,深得世界各地知名廠商的肯定與信賴。

              針對生產(chǎn)製造方面,群智科技推出「照明護照 Gatekeeper」,運用於產(chǎn)線端的光色品質(zhì)全檢量測產(chǎn)品,從進料到出貨的全面光色品質(zhì)控管,在每個環(huán)節(jié)為您把關(guān),您的專屬 Gatekeeper。


              我們傾聽您的需求與聲音! 結(jié)合大家的智慧,共同引領(lǐng)產(chǎn)業(yè)前進。
              We make the innovation, we cause the revolution.

              Asensetek, with a unique patented optical engine, integrates all the industries and strives to develop the most suitable testing instruments for each industry, which in turn, will have a better development through the mobile devices, cloud services and IOT integration.

              So far, Asenseteck has been focusing on the development of related equipment in lighting industry. We provide various equipment that perfectly suit research and development, manufacturing, procurement, sales, inspection, acceptance, and industry communication. These also make us the best partner for cooperation in the lighting industry.

              In the future, our business will not just be limited in serving the lighting industry. We will provide more innovative and practical equipment and hence, making us the best partner to work with in many more industries.

              We know light.

              Due to our enthusiasm in the optoelectronics, we set up Asensetek and wish to pursue and explore the infinite possibilities in optoelectronics.


              Asensetek was established in March 2012 and is a professional company specializing in integrating the R&D, manufacturing, and marketing of optical, mechanical and electrical products. The company is founded by a group of optoelectronics enthusiasts and a number of senior advisors. The members of the company have worked in the optoelectronic industry for many years and have extensive professional experiences in this field.  Asensetek’s R&D team is familiar in various technologies such as using the MEMS and semiconductor manufacturing process to design and integrate the optoelectronics system, related measurements on optoelectronics components, and making optical systems with high tolerance etc. Hence, we can provide a more all rounded service than the others.

              The company‘s head office is located in New Taipei city, Taiwan, and a branch office in Shanghai. We have sale channels in more than 10 ries such as America, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Netherland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Turkey, Russia, China, Japan, and Israel etc. Therefore, we will be able to stay close to our customers and always stay in sync with the market requirements and demands.

              Company Name

              The English name of the company is known as Asensetek. Asense is formed by combining the letter “A” and the word “Sense”. “A” represents top and excellence, while “Sense” represents perception and sensation. Asense is also originated  the word “essence”. Together with the Chinese name, Qunzhi Tech, meaning group wisdom, Asensetek is formed. Asensetek represents a team of partners withsynergic force and innovative wisdom who wish to develop the best components which can sense the environment and the nature ofmaterial. With these, we will be able to change the world which is also the mission of our company.

              Company culture

              Our members come  various industries such as optical, mechanical, electrical, wireless, software, legal, marketing and commercialbusiness, and etc.… All together we create shinning sparks that stun the industry. Moreover, we hope to create diverse working environment and culture through our best professional skills and enthusiasm, facilitating products that will become popular in the world and made us proud.

              Asensetek possesses shared values of “Integrity”, “Innovation”, “Speed” as well as “Gratitude” and creates a win-win situation with the customers and partners through the service–oriented attitude. With such culture, Asensetek hopes to create a company that is full of innovation and vitality and of sustainable development.

              Product and services

              Asensetek launched the world first smart spectrometer “Lighting Passport” on June 2013. It focuses on providing best experience in measurement of lights and color. With the “Lighting Passport” as the foundation, we continue to develop applications for various industries. Hence, we are able to  the world latest standards and parameters as well as master the new knowledge and movement of the industry.  Currently, “Lighting Passport” has developed integrated hardware and software solutions for applications that aim forlighting design, lighting practitioners, plant factory, transmittance measurement, and movie industry etc. and has won recognition and trust of renowned manufacturers  all over the world.

              Lighting Passport,GateKeeper,Asensetek

              Asensetek has developed “Lighting Passport Gatekeeper” for the manufacturing industry. It is used in the inspection and measurement of optical and color of the products at production line. Your personalized Gatekeeper is able to control optical and color quality at every aspect of production process starting  material incoming to shipment outgoing.

              To provide more diversified intelligent living applications and services, Asensetek continues to integrate and develop different sensory components. We plan to introduce an adjustable lighting system so as to provide people with stable light color which adjusts automatically according to the environmental requirement and free  external interference or to duplicate your favorite lighting settings to other places.

              We listen to your voices. We devote ourselves to continuously providing innovative products and services beyond your imaginations.

              FacebookTwitterEmailLinkedInWhatsAppFacebook MessengerLine


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