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              2017/7/6 9:46:48 作者: 來源:每日LED
              摘要:普瑞相信億光的專利侵權主張完全缺乏依據(jù),我們會對億光電子的主張進行強有力的抗辯。普瑞執(zhí)行長 Tim Lester 表示“自普瑞設立以來,我們一直以來均尊重他人知識產(chǎn)權;面對為獲取不公平優(yōu)勢者或為試圖限 制普瑞從其技術投資取得的優(yōu)勢者濫用訴訟之行為,我們不會畏懼。”


                Bridgelux Responds To Everlight Lawsuit Targeting 2835 SMD Products

                Bridgelux issues a statement regarding Everlight lawsuit filed on June 10, 2017 against Bridgelux FREMONT, Calif., June 14, 2017 - Bridgelux 2835 surface mount device (SMD) products incorporate cutting-edge technology to deliver unsurpassed performance at competitive prices. Bridgelux's technology results from years of advanced research and development, and is protected by Bridgelux's intellectual property, which currently includes a patent portfolio of more than 300 worldwide patents that extend across the expanse of light emitting diode (LED) technologies, from chips to luminaire solutions.

                普瑞 SMD2835 系列產(chǎn)品采用前端技術,向客戶提供高性價比的產(chǎn)品。普瑞技術源于多年的先進研究和開發(fā), 受到普瑞知識產(chǎn)權的保護。目前,普瑞的知識產(chǎn)權在全球有 300 余件專利布局,涵蓋了從芯片到照明解決 方案的 LED 技術上下游的專利。

                On June 10, 2017, Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit against Bridgelux in the United States District Court (Northern District of California- San Francisco Division). The lawsuit alleges that the Bridgelux 2835 packaged LEDs infringe U.S. Patent 6,335,548 and 7,253,448. The scope of the lawsuit is limited only to such products in the United States and does not cover any jurisdictions outside of the United States.

                億光電子于 2017 年 6 月 10 日在美國北加州區(qū)法院對普瑞提起的訴訟事宜。億光電子在訴訟中主張普瑞 SMD 2835 系列封裝產(chǎn)品侵犯 US6,335,548 與 US7,253,448 兩件美國專利。該訴訟案件的產(chǎn)品范圍僅限于美國境 內(nèi)的產(chǎn)品,并不牽涉美國司法管轄權以外的地區(qū)。

                Bridgelux believes that Everlight’s infringement claims are entirely without merit and intends to vigorously defend itself against these claims. "As history demonstrates, Bridgelux respects the intellectual property rights of others and will not be intimidated by the misuse of litigation from those seeking an unfair advantage or seeking to limit the advantage Bridgelux has earned from our technology investments," said Tim Lester, CEO of Bridgelux.

                普瑞相信億光的專利侵權主張完全缺乏依據(jù),我們會對億光電子的主張進行強有力的抗辯。普瑞執(zhí)行長 Tim Lester 表示“自普瑞設立以來,我們一直以來均尊重他人知識產(chǎn)權;面對為獲取不公平優(yōu)勢者或為試圖限 制普瑞從其技術投資取得的優(yōu)勢者濫用訴訟之行為,我們不會畏懼?!?/p>

                Bridgelux believes this lawsuit is the result of the success of the Bridgelux 2835 SMD products in the market and Everlight’s inability to compete with a competitive offering. Because Bridgelux’s patent portfolio covers many core LED technologies, Bridgelux intends to employ its own patent portfolio to protect its rights.

                普瑞相信本訴訟起因于普瑞 SMD2835 系列產(chǎn)品在市場上的成功以及億光電子不能在市場上提供競爭產(chǎn)品。 普瑞的專利組合涵蓋許多 LED 核心技術,我們將利用自有專利組合捍衛(wèi)我們的權利。

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