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              2016/7/6 16:10:27 作者:卡茨 來源:阿拉丁照明網(wǎng)
              摘要:6月9日到10日,照明行業(yè)年度盛會(huì)——“2016阿拉丁照明論壇”在全球最大照明展廣州國際照明展期間隆重舉行,阿拉丁照明網(wǎng)作為大會(huì)報(bào)道的官方媒體,特邀LUMENS總監(jiān)Mr. Sean Kyunglim Kim來到我們新聞直播現(xiàn)場,與大家共同探討照明及LED產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展大計(jì)。

                6月9日到10日,照明行業(yè)年度盛會(huì)——“2016阿拉丁照明論壇”在全球最大照明展廣州國際照明展期間隆重舉行,阿拉丁照明網(wǎng)作為大會(huì)報(bào)道的官方媒體,特邀LUMENS總監(jiān)Mr. Sean Kyunglim Kim來到我們新聞直播現(xiàn)場,與大家共同探討照明及LED產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展大計(jì)。



                Alighting:Can you introduce the AC-Module solution of Lumens?

                Mr. Sean Kyunglim Kim:There are many AC-Module products in the market. But I want to point out that LUMENS’s solution is very unique and different in three points:

                One is that we are using flip-chips inside. According to the LED industry, flip-chips is very low cost against the traditional light source.

                And the second one is that we have developed our own AC-driver IC, so we have a unique team to provide the unique technology of AC-driver IC;

                Also we have a global operation with other companies, who can provide our products and technology globally and sell to our customers all over the world, including in Asia and US.



                Alighting:What is the applicant situation of this kind of module?

                Mr. Sean Kyunglim Kim:AC application is very limited before, but by the developing of new drive IC, now it is getting more and more popular at small power lights. So AC-module application will become something bigger.

                But the application is still in a very small portrait, and now we have a new driver IC for universal, We prepare the 120 to 277 for the US market. The application is expanding to the outdoor applications.




                Alighting:What are the conditions for its widespread popularity?

                Mr. Sean Kyunglim Kim:There is no limit in the application, and it is very simple , so there is not specific limitation or challenge to use this kind of system and application, no matter when it is indoor or outdoor.



                Alighting:What’s the warranty of this kind of products?

                Mr. Sean Kyunglim Kim:It’s different by products, and also different by the application, I mean in real environment using. Normally we want they up to five years or 50,000 hours, but we have to closely to what would the lighting factories because the working condition is very different.



                Alighting:Could you share with us about the technical route and marketing plan of Lumens?

                Mr. Sean Kyunglim Kim:Now we have our standard platform by using our AC driver technology. So our standard platform we called AC-COB. Now we are setting up the basic platform of AC-COB. And we have huge customers in the world, so this is much more important to working closely with them and quoted by very unique solution to global factories.

                現(xiàn)在我們將這項(xiàng)技術(shù)運(yùn)用在AC COB上,擁有了標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化的AC驅(qū)動(dòng)模組。我們?cè)谌澜缍加锌蛻艉蜆I(yè)務(wù),并與我們?nèi)虻目蛻舯3志o密的合作,去向全球廠商提供獨(dú)特的AC驅(qū)動(dòng)解決方案,推進(jìn)這項(xiàng)技術(shù)的全球化應(yīng)用。


                Alighting:What is your view on the new development trend of LED industry?

                Mr. Sean Kyunglim Kim:Now there are many players in the market who join in the AC driver market.AC or DC is not a perfect system each other.AC and DC have pros and cons respectively, in terms of efficiency and power factor, THD and the light time, so there should not be only one AC-solution.AC and DC are the parallel in the long run, The AC has its advantages, especially in outdoor application. But we still have a challenge to reduce the flicker. That’s an issue. Now we are working on the solution and the new products will be reduced the flicker for our LED users.


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