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              2016/7/4 18:05:33 作者:卡茨 來源:阿拉丁照明網(wǎng)
              摘要:6月9日到10日,照明行業(yè)年度盛會——“2016阿拉丁照明論壇”在全球最大照明展廣州國際照明展期間隆重舉行,阿拉丁照明網(wǎng)作為大會報道的官方媒體,特邀全球照明協(xié)會秘書長Bryan Douglas先生來到我們新聞直播現(xiàn)場,與大家共同探討照明及LED產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展大計。

                6月9日到10日,照明行業(yè)年度盛會——“2016阿拉丁照明論壇”在全球最大照明展廣州國際照明展期間隆重舉行,阿拉丁照明網(wǎng)作為大會報道的官方媒體,特邀全球照明協(xié)會秘書長Bryan Douglas先生來到我們新聞直播現(xiàn)場,與大家共同探討照明及LED產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展大計。


                Alighting:What changes impress you most in the global lighting market this year? What are the implications of these changes?

                Bryan Douglas:I have been impressed by the way in which the global lighting industry has responded to the opportunities and challenges presented by solid state lighting. On the one hand traditional lighting companies are adapting to the new technologies and committing investment. On the other hand I am very impressed by the way that emerging major markets in Asia, and in particular China, have responded to the changes. Ledification is truly a global phenomenon and is not confined to places like Europe or North America. Chinese manufacturers have embraced the change to LEDs and for several years now years have been the dominant force in global LED production.



                Alighting:Where are the future opportunities of global lighting in your opinion? What business forms and technologies that we should pay attention to?

                Bryan Douglas:There are huge opportunities. We are now living in this new paradigm of connected lighting. Everything that I have seen at recent lighting trade fairs confirms this paradigm shift. The future is definitely about connected lighting, The industry must embrace this concept. Those who ignore the concept will be left behind.

                Connected lighting will be profoundly important in road lighting. Road lights and road lighting poles will provide a vital platform for sensors which will provide the information to transform cities into intelligent cities.




                Alighting:How do you think about the development of intelligent city? What lighting industry should do with its development?

                Bryan Douglas:Cities will become cleaner, safer and better places in which to live because of connected lighting. Of course analytics and other technologies in processing the huge amounts of data made possible by connected lighting and lighting sensors will also be very important in the transformation to intelligent cities.

                Lighting companies must embrace the new technologies and they must form alliances with companies which possess these complementary technologies. I suggest they must form alliances with other relevant technology providers if they want to play a role in this new world of intelligent cities.




                Alighting:What is the global lighting association doing and what are the plans for the future to promote the development of global lighting?

                Bryan Douglas:In a program called VISTA 2025, the global lighting association has embarked on a program of articulating the changes likely to occur in lighting up to the year 2025. This is a significant challenge because of the profound changes we are going through. In connection with this work we are developing position papers on matters of importance to the lighting industry, such as quality of light and human centric lighting.

                We are also working on environmental matters, on improving the world’s tariff codes to better reflect the changes in lighting technologies, and we are working with other stakeholders such as the CIE on matters of importance to the industry.

                在一個程序稱為“Vista 2025”,全球照明協(xié)會已經(jīng)在實施一個新的計算項目,通過這個項目,可以預測照明行業(yè)2025年將可能發(fā)生的事情和變化。這是一個重大的挑戰(zhàn),因為照明行業(yè)無時無刻不在經(jīng)歷著深刻的變化。在這項工作中,我們正在開發(fā)照明產(chǎn)業(yè)重要問題的立場文件,如光品質(zhì)和以人為本的照明。



                Alighting:Do you have any new ideas that you want to share with the industry?

                Bryan Douglas:Embrace the changes occurring in the industry, and form alliances with other technology providers.


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