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              Will Panel Light be the New Leader in Office Lighting?

              2016/2/29 14:55:08 作者: 來(lái)源:alighting
              摘要:The panel light, as an alternative for grille lamp, has been widely used in various fields for its simple appearance and perfect match with buildings.The prices of panel lights have dropped sharply in

                With competition in the market of general lighting becoming more drastic, greater emphasis has been put on the segment sections. The total market revenue of global office lighting, according to the latest forecast of IHS, will reach one billion dollars(Equivalent to RMB 63.8 billion) in 2015, two hundred million dollars (Equivalent to RMB 1.28 billion) of which belongs to LED lighting. With the rapid development of panel light industry, in addition to expansion of market space, the market share of LED Lighting will be gradually raised as well.

                The panel light, as an alternative for grille lamp, has been widely used in various fields for its simple appearance and perfect match with buildings.The prices of panel lights have dropped sharply in 2015, makingit well-acceptable by ordinary people.

                At the meanwhile, panel light faces many challenges: Firstly, Product quality; High quality is based on high costs. This is also the reason that early Panel Light is mainly used in high-end market. Cost compressed inevitably induced a decline of the product quality.

                Secondly, Light guide plate. From the current mainstream of panel light application, most of panel light adopts the side-emitting method. This method has thus produced the core component- Light guide board which is not available in general lighting. Its quality determines the performance of panel light.

                Whether an enterprise can enter market depends on whether it can balance between quality and cost. So Alighting sets up the Alighting Testing Lab to examine the cost, performance of lighting and Light Guide board of a panel light.

                The tester is Shenzhen Lixun Products Technology Service Co., LTD (LCS),

                and they' have tested the electric parameters and performance of sample products.


                Sample Pictures



                Basic Info.

                The sample is 600*600mm in specification, with a measured size of 595*595*10mm.It has a warm white light with the color temperature of 4000k.

                It was widely used in commercial, office, residence etc., and can completely replace the 3*T5 Grille light.

                Testing Appliances

                Parameters of the lighting source

                According to actual measurement, the sample has a decrease of 4.68%on its rated power, which it meets the state regulations within 5% tolerance range. And notably, it has reached a luminous efficiency of 108.69lm/w and a luminaire efficiency of 100%, which guarantees greater energy saving and environmental protection when meeting the rated flux. The glare index of the sample (UGR) ranks high in the industry.

                Lighting luminaire efficiency is commonly known as the brightness which has a greater impact on the visual. When luminaire efficiency is lower, then environment is relatively darker, it easy to fill tired. Takes a long time lighting in places such as offices, high luminaire efficiency light will help alleviate fatigue.

                Color Parameters

                Relative spectrum

                Part of the Color Parameters


                Electric Parameters: U=219.97V,I=0.15798A,P=33.309W,PF=0.9585

                Integration Time: T=720.00ms

                Environmental temperature: 25℃

                Environmental humidity: 65%

                Testing location:centre - oriented

                Comfortable is the basis of evaluating lighting quality good or bad, and color parameter is the one of the important factor which affects the comfortable lighting. CRI indicates the level of true color of the illuminated object by light from the lamp. The higher CRI of the light shows the actual color of illuminated object. The following table shows different CRI values required for different application.

                The sample with a measured color temperature of 3974K, warm white which is commonly known as natural light. People in this tone with no obvious visual contrast psychological effects, and easily give rise to a sense of comfort and pleasure.

                The CRI is 81.9 which fully meet the requirement to the place of correctly judge color.

                When the Special R9 is figure 1, indicating that the product of the Red color reducing power performance is acceptable.

                In addition, CRI restricted the level of luminous efficiency to some extent. In general, the higher CRI, luminous efficiency will be relatively low. Integrated the capabilities of luminous efficiency and CRI performance of this sample, enterprises in order to make the panel light cost performance optimization in the manufacturing process, to proper balance of color reaction efficiency and luminous efficiency performance that ensure to provide the most cost-effective high-efficiency under the best comfort. I think it is particularly suitable for the office environment.

                Aging test

                It can be seen from the testing results that none of the data has noticeable changes,which shows that there is very little effect of temperature changes on the samplelight guide panel. But the luminous flux and luminous efficiency get a small rise, itbelong to the reasonable error in the process of testing. And by the way, it must be pointed out that such phenomenon will not occur inpractical use.


                Light distribution curve

                Light distribution curve reflects the ability of lighting control light distribution. In order to achieve the required lighting architects, lighting designers are from a lamp light distribution curve starting to design, arrange lighting.

                From the chart, Lighting with light-emitting axis of symmetry, C0 / 180 surface is 92.2 degrees, C90 / 270 surface is 105.3 degrees, the average beam angle is 98.8 degrees. From light distribution curve chart, this lighting should be on both sides light, luminary is mounted on C90 / 270 side of the longitudinal direction of the lamps; C90 / 270 curve relatively flat surface, the light guide board can with excellent high transmission rate of the light, more uniform light emitting surface; combining space illuminance curves are examined under the lamp 10m to 50m from 34m cross-section (C0 plane) illuminance distribution.

                Lighting effective average illuminance

                Effective average illuminance that reflects the luminous flux emitted by the lighting in the corresponding angle, you can see the corresponding luminance value range of positions. Lighting designer can reasonable calculate the installation angle and distribution according to this chart, in order to obtain satisfactory illuminance.

                General, office work surfaces requires illumination of 300lx, office desktop height is generally 70cm, can be drawn from this panel lamp mounting height 2.7 meters to 3.2 meters in ideal obtained reasonable illumination.

                UGR(Unified Glare Rating)

                Note: The flux of 3626 lighting source needs correction (8log(F/F0) = 4.5)according to the calculation of CIE Pub.117

                UGR used to measure light indoor visual environment illumination device issued by the human eye discomfort caused by subjective psychological reaction parameters, is an important indicator of light environment. Indoor environments, such as offices, classrooms and other places, lighting long exposure on the human form, CIE proposed concept of unified glare value (UGR)on the basis of comprehensive national realities.

                According to the Standard of Architectural Lighting Design GB50034-2013, customers’ requirement for UGR should be under 19. And thesample has shown great effort from its designer and producer on UGR,thus ensuring this model one of the best choices for high-end officeenvironment.


                EMC testing



                Conducted interference is the form of radiated interference signal interference generated by electronic equipment through the conductive media or public power line generates mutual interference refers to the interference signal generated by the electronic device space coupling the interference signal to another electric network or electronic device.The sample power greater than 25W, in accordance with IEC / EN 55015 standards for testing and the test results meet the standards.


                Harmonic current is one of the reasons that lead to overheating of electrical equipment, vibration or noise insulation aging, shortened life. Samples power greater than 25Win accordance with IEC / EN 61000-3-2 and IEC / EN 61000-3-3 standards for testing, the test results meet the standards.

                With the increasing application of electrical equipment, electromagnetic pollution is getting serious every day. The lighting device as a universal device used in everywhere, LED light products how to ensure electrical safety, improve energy efficiency at the same time highlighting the focus on electromagnetic compatibility design applications to reduce electromagnetic harm, but also need to be focused and cracked topic.

                All datas in this report are provided by Shenzhen Lixun ProductsTechnology Service Co., LTD (LCS).


                This model, based on the test results, has great performance especially applicable for office environment. It will have bigger market advantage if the price is more acceptable when maintaining its quality.

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