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              2016/2/20 9:18:06 作者: 來源:阿拉丁照明網(wǎng)
              摘要:丹麥SGM公司由著名丹麥馬田(MARTIN)創(chuàng)始人Peter Johansen先生于2013年完成并購??偛吭诿利惖牡湂W胡斯,專注未來LED燈光科技的研究與發(fā)展。


                丹麥SGM公司由著名丹麥馬田(MARTIN)創(chuàng)始人Peter Johansen先生于2013年完成并購??偛吭诿利惖牡湂W胡斯,專注未來LED燈光科技的研究與發(fā)展。

                丹麥SGM研發(fā)團(tuán)隊(duì)是一直跟隨Peter Johansen的研發(fā)團(tuán)隊(duì)。他們卓越成業(yè)界有目共睹。


                遠(yuǎn)東和太平洋地區(qū),Peter Johansen一直擁有非常深厚的人脈和影響力,也很快得到當(dāng)?shù)厥袌鲰憫?yīng), SGM并增加專人開發(fā)地區(qū)合作項(xiàng)目。

                對于中國市場,環(huán)境污染和霧霾問題對傳統(tǒng)燈損害較大,SGM研發(fā)的新產(chǎn)品全部達(dá)到IP65的最高防護(hù)等級,包括成功推出世界第一款全封閉LED搖頭燈G-Spot,防塵、防水。無需防護(hù)罩,無需清理鏡頭和圖案片,無需更換燈泡等,丹麥SGM讓燈光使用更方便,更人性化。對于我們的客戶我們承諾SGM LED產(chǎn)品10年內(nèi)的領(lǐng)先地位。

                丹麥SGM公司在短短的3年里捧回了一個(gè)又一個(gè)科技創(chuàng)新獎(jiǎng),SGM P-5 LED染色燈剛推出市場,就以51.2流明/瓦的高效能,及精準(zhǔn)“紅色”、”藍(lán)色“一次拿到25,000只訂單。

                SGM IN THE FAR EAST

                SGM has completed another incredible year in the brief period since lighting entrepreneur Peter Johansen resuscitated the ailing Italian manufacturer and reinvented it as a 100% Danish company with the mission of producing only unique LED solutions.

                These innovations — the products of a highly creative R&D team that has been with Johansen for many years — have already been accoladed by leading trade bodies.

                This year has also seen a much greater flow of products from the far-reaching portfolio to the company’s global sales network. Addressing a number of new segments in retail, architectural and dynamic show lighting.

                The Far East and Pacific Asia, where Peter has traditional manufacturing links, have been particularly quick to respond, and SGM is constantly building infrastructure to support local initiatives with the appointment of new personnel in these key markets.

                “Most of our products are well suited to TV in any case,” states Peter. “They are noise free, flicker free and have remarkable colour consistency, with perfect colour temperature for TV lighting.”

                The other massive advantage of SGM’s products in markets such as China, with high levels of pollution, is the almost universal IP65 rating. In environments with hazardous air-borne particles, products like the popular and award-winning G-Spot are impervious.

                Says Peter, “People incorrectly believe that being the world’s first fully weatherised automated profile spot, G-Spot is only suitable for outdoor use, where it will function in all weathers without the need for a dome. But it is much more than waterproof; outdoors it will withstand dust storms and desert sands but is also ideal in any smoky environment. Because the unit is sealed from dirt and dust, the gobos and lenses will last longer and doesn't require cleaning or maintenance — just a wipe of the front lens.

                “It’s one reason why we can guarantee rental companies that our products will be in service for at least a decade.”

                To examine just how far SGM has travelled in less than four years, another award-winning product, the P-5 wash, which boasts a market-leading efficacy of 51.2 lm/W, has now exceeded 25,000 sales.

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