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              Paulina Villalobos: 燈光設(shè)計(jì)理念先行

              2015/10/14 14:38:15 作者: 來源:《阿拉丁·設(shè)計(jì)》
              摘要:Paulina Villalobos在位于智利北部的阿卡塔馬沙漠長大,這是世界上最干燥的地方,接受著異常強(qiáng)烈的太陽輻射,同時(shí)也擁有便于天文觀測的清澈天空……也許這都是Paulina迷戀上“光”的伏筆。


                Paulina Villalobos在位于智利北部的阿卡塔馬沙漠長大,這是世界上最干燥的地方,接受著異常強(qiáng)烈的太陽輻射,同時(shí)也擁有便于天文觀測的清澈天空……也許這都是Paulina迷戀上“光”的伏筆。Paulina畢業(yè)于智利大學(xué)建筑學(xué)院,在某次設(shè)計(jì)大賽中憑借一個(gè)文化中心的建筑項(xiàng)目脫穎而出,此后便在圣地亞哥開始了三年的建筑師生涯。隨著經(jīng)驗(yàn)的積累,她漸漸發(fā)現(xiàn)光在建筑中的重要性,開始輾轉(zhuǎn)日本、德國和瑞典,尋求系統(tǒng)、專業(yè)的學(xué)習(xí)。幾年后她回到智利,成立自己的燈光工作室DIAV(Dise?o Iluminación Arquitectura Verde),專注燈光設(shè)計(jì)和能源顧問。

                2005年到2008年期間,Paulina被任命為智利一本建筑雜志的主編,同時(shí),她也是技術(shù)雜志《Alumundo》關(guān)于燈光設(shè)計(jì)的專欄作者。2006年,她與Luxia照明合作開展名為Noche Zero的光研究項(xiàng)目。從2008年開始,Paulina受聘為瑞典皇家理工學(xué)院燈光設(shè)計(jì)研究生專業(yè)的講師。此外,她也經(jīng)常給智利建筑師們授課,培訓(xùn)照明相關(guān)知識(shí)。

                Alighting Design: How did you get into the lighting industry?


                PV:I started working in a big office when I graduate as an Architect, and discovered there was a very specific specialization for the lighting, which is the nicest part people worried about among all the construction issues.


                Two years later I design my first building (by myself!) a Cultural Center, then I realized I had no clue about lighting! So I decided to go abroad and studied to improve my architectural skills. I went to Germany for a Master course in Architectural Lighting Design in Wismar, after finish it I went to Sweden to study more about light, at KTH in Stockholm. I felt in love with light. I forgot that I was an Architect! Now I consider myself as a Lighting Designer.


                I started my own company DIAV in 2005, with one desk and my laptop. Since then it has being growing little by little. Now, to celebrate the 10 years of DIAV I came to Asia to try this challenging and vibrant context.


                Alighting Design: Were there designers that influenced you when you started in lighting?


                PV: My first heroes were my teachers and mentors. I can recall Jan Ejhed and Kai Piippo from Sweden, Vesa Honkonen from Finland, Erick Selmer from Norway, Louis Claire from France, Kaoru Mende from Japan. Later, after finish my studies I can mention the inspiration and energy from Gustavo Avilés from Mexico and Martin Lupton from UK. I think all of them influence me in the way to approach the work and to make me wonder “That is the mood and ambiance in which I want to work”.

                PV:有,我的老師們,像瑞典的Jan Ejhed、Kai Piippo,芬蘭的Vesa Honkonen,挪威的Erick Selmer,法國的Louis Claire,日本的Kaoru Mende;也包括踏出校門之后遇到的精神導(dǎo)師Gustavo Avilés(墨西哥)和Martin Lupton(英國)。他們都在我的照明事業(yè)上推波助瀾了一把,讓我知道,這就是我想要的工作。

                Alighting Design: What fascinates you the most about light?


                PV: The power of light is to be used as a tool of space design , to create mood and emotion. It’s very technical, but the main guide is artistic. Design with light is about understanding the space to be lit and the people who will use it and feel it. Sometimes it is like working with music, which is immaterial, you just can imagine the final result.


                But what it really fascinates me is the design process, the creativity to deliver a design concept that will be experienced in an architectural space or in a landscape or urban place. In that process I have fun and enjoy doing it.


                Alighting Design: What is your design philosophy?


                PV: Design with a concept. To deliver a concept you need to brainstorm with your head, heart and guts. I also make the exercise to treat the architectural or landscape project as a person, and ask him/her: How do you wish to be lit?


                You can solve a problem by distributing luminaires with a nice layout and calculating the lighting levels, but that is not design. The design process must start with a concept design, which will be the guidance to work with the light.


                Alighting Design: What do you think of the relationship between architecture and light? How do you fuse them?


                PV: The design process between architecture and lighting is very similar. In the way I was trained to be an architect, first you have to gather information and make an analysis of the context, climate, culture, functions, budget, timing, how people will use it, expectations and so on. Also there is a research for inspiration, find similar projects, and innovative solutions, after that comes the brainstorm for the concept or main ideas. The tools in architecture to develop those ideas are solid and concrete to work with shapes and space. But light is immaterial, so the tool is more poetic, even though the process is very similar. Light is for the people and the architecture, so you have to understand the building as good as the people who will use it.



                Alighting Design: It seems you have done more lighting design projects than architecture these years, why? Is it what you expect?


                PV: I felt in love with lights, so I decided to focus on that, and never again promote myself as an architect. And I also rejected a few architectural projects at the beginning of my career as a lighting designer. Another important factor was the market. 10 years ago in Chile -when I started- there were too many architects and few lighting designers.


                Alighting Design: What kind of lighting design would you prefer? Why?


                PV: The lighting designs which are in coherence with the architecture and most of all, those designs that can tell a story or produce positive emotions.


                Alighting Design: You have clients from different countries. How do you meet the cultural needs of different countries?


                PV: I had clients from Chile (South America), UK (Europe), Singapore and probably soon from Malaysia (Asia). It’s very important to live in the culture, of course it will never be enough. Also it’s always good to be part of a multicultural team, so there will be at least one person in the team who is more aware of the cultural differences, the dos and don’ts.


                It is very important to understand that the lighting concept is “born” from the specific climate, culture, urban context and a specific building in which will be embedded. So is good to know that good lighting design is never a “copy-paste” solution but a specific proposal for a specific project.


                Alighting Design: Have you got projects in China? How do you think of the lighting design industry in China?


                PV: Just one. I did the architectural lighting design for the Chilean Pavilion for the Universal Expo in Shanghai 2010. The client was the Chilean Government and we provide all the information to the local lighting designer (Teamslitek), for translation and implementation.


                The First thing that impressed me was the scale of projects and the speed to do them.

                In China everything is another scale: HUGE. I remember talking to Rocky Lui–my local consultant and Chinese partner for the project in Shanghai-I was very proud because I did the lighting design for one of the biggest towers of South America, about 130,000 m2. He was doing maybe 3 projects like this at the same time!

                這個(gè)項(xiàng)目給我的第一印象是它的規(guī)模之大和建設(shè)速度之快。在中國,所有東西都可以用一個(gè)字來形容:大。我記得我曾對(duì)這個(gè)項(xiàng)目的中國顧問和合作伙伴Rocky Lui說,我之前完成了一個(gè)130,000平方米的塔樓,堪稱南美之最,我感覺很自豪——然而卻被告知,類似的項(xiàng)目他在中國已經(jīng)做過3個(gè)!

                So China is a unique place of growth and speed, for anyone who has never visit Asia is very difficult to imagine. I think related to lighting industry the world is yours. Nowadays almost everything comes from China, from the best to the worst LED technology.


                Alighting Design: Did you do the lighting design for your own house? What is it like?


                PV: I did not design my house. It’s a flat from the 60s with an amazing view of the sunset.

                My place has being changing with me; some areas I love and others are terrible because I use them to test lights meanwhile I’m waiting for the perfect light… I think I will change the corridor and the balcony as soon as I finish this interview.


                So my room, living and dinning room have incandescent for human activities. The rest is LED, down light or floodlight. I love incandescent for houses! Because it has the best color rendering, can produce beautiful shades, the dimming is so smooth, the warm light makes everyone looks cute and there is little blue wavelength which is healthy at night. The government will ban it, so I stored some incandescent to ensure my mood for the next decade.


                Alighting Design: As a lecturer, what’s your advice to the students and young designers?


                PV: Something amazing about being young is the “uncertainty”. If you don’t know what you want is great, that means you have to explore. It’s important to know what you don’t want and don’t do it. Under any circumstance! Uncertainty invites you to be risky, just do it. If it doesn’t work, or you fail, nothing terrible will happen.


                This profession is universal, you are working with light, everyone can understand it, so travel with it, you can work or study anywhere in the world! Travel and experience another culture will expand your mind; if you don’t know what it will happen is even better. Uncertainty is the best way to discover and enjoy surprises.


                Alighting Design: Could you share with us some of your favorite projects?


                PV: Church, Asilo del Carmen, The Seed, Chilean Pavilion Shanghai World Expo, Brunapoli Restaurant, Fa?ade lighting Concept for Entel Data Center…


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