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              Martin Klaasen: 照明設計是為人而做,而不是為了應付照度計!

              2015/8/25 10:11:39 作者: 來源:《阿拉丁·設計》
              摘要:Martin Klaasen從事照明行業(yè)超過30年,既是照明設計師、設計顧問,同時也是一位講師。他畢業(yè)于工業(yè)設計專業(yè),在飛利浦工作成為了他的照明事業(yè)的開端。幾年后,他先后與新加坡Lumino設計公司、澳大利亞Lighting Images公司合作成立照明咨詢公司。直到幾年前,Martin成立了自己的設計公司KLD,專注于燈光設計。

                MARTIN is an award winning lighting designer, design consultant, lecturer and resource speaker with more than 30 years of experience in the lighting industry. Martin has a master’s degree in industrial design and started his career of many years in creative and innovative lighting design with Philips (in Holland and overseas). He furthered his career by setting up his own lighting consultancy practice first with Lumino Design based in Singapore, later in Australia with Lighting Images. A few years ago Martin decided to apply his passion for lighting design exclusively through his own company, Klaasen Lighting Design (KLD). Martin brings to his designs a unique awareness of lighting technologies mixed with great creativity and a sense of innovation that improve and enhance the quality of lighting in professional installations. Some of his designs have received national and international lighting design awards. The list of his expertise and experiences spans all applications and projects around the globe. He has been involved with his company in several high profile projects around Asia Pacific from China to Australia and from India to the Philippines. To his credits are the lighting design of the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur and the Raffles Hotel restoration in Singapore.

                Martin Klaasen從事照明行業(yè)超過30年,既是照明設計師、設計顧問,同時也是一位講師。他畢業(yè)于工業(yè)設計專業(yè),在飛利浦工作成為了他的照明事業(yè)的開端。幾年后,他先后與新加坡Lumino設計公司、澳大利亞Lighting Images公司合作成立照明咨詢公司。直到幾年前,Martin成立了自己的設計公司KLD,專注于燈光設計。將他對照明技術的獨特理解和創(chuàng)新意識融入到設計當中,大大提高了燈具設備的質量和專業(yè)程度。他的知識和經驗在全球的項目應用中傳播,其設計作品也獲得了當?shù)睾蛧H上的照明獎項。從中國到澳大利亞,從印度到菲律賓,KLD在亞太地區(qū)的設計項目引起了高度關注,其中翹楚當屬吉隆坡石油雙塔和新加坡萊佛士酒店。

                Martin is also passionate about sharing his knowledge by educating his clients and the public through his many articles in the media and more recently his daily blog, Light Talk. Martin is the author of Light Talk, a year in the life of light, the book of the same name that has been received by his peers to much acclaim. He is also a member of the International Advisory Council of the Chinese Lighting Designers Association (CLDA) who support and provide their international expertise in developing sustainable lighting design in China and Asia Pacific. Martin is also a professional member of the IALD (International Association of Lighting Designers) and IES WA (Illuminating and Engineering Society; Western Australia) and a sought after resource speaker at lighting related events, conferences, conventions and seminars.

                同時,Martin也通過文章、個人博客“Light Talk”與顧客和大眾分享自己的設計心得。Light Talk記載了一年365天關于燈光的故事,其同名書籍獲得業(yè)內的盛贊。Martin是IALD國際照明設計師協(xié)會的專業(yè)會員、澳大利亞IES照明工程學會會員,也被CLDA華人照明設計師聯(lián)合會聘為國際顧問委員,為中國乃至亞太地區(qū)的可持續(xù)照明設計提供幫助和支持。此外,他還是一位致力于知識交流和傳播的講師,積極參加國際上照明相關學術會議、論壇、研討會等活動。

                Alighting Design: How did you get into the lighting industry?


                MK: Quite by accident, actually. When I freshly graduated from my masters degree in Industrial Design, I applied for some jobs on offer at Philips in Eindhoven, a big Dutch multi-national company active in professional and consumer products. Out of the blue they offered me a position lighting designer at their Lighting Design and Application Centre. I had no idea what lighting design was at the time (my first thought was that of designing light bulbs), but after visiting their offices I discovered the exciting lighting projects they were doing all over the world including the Olympic Games. I was immediately hooked and took the job. I never looked back. That was in 1979!


                Alighting Design: What is your design philosophy?


                MK: My design philosophy is really to let the lighting do the talking, in other words lighting has to emphasize the task it is supposed to perform, has to create the moods and ambiance. I don’t really want to see the lights themselves but its resulting lighting effect. As such I never start my design with the products but rather with the lighting effects that I want to achieve and then work backwards to my product selection. Of course this requires an in-depth knowledge and understanding of what can be achieved with light and lighting products, but after more than 30 years in the business I can confidently say that I do, though continuous updating yourself of what is available and possible is imperative. Hence I always have an open door policy towards the lighting manufacturers.


                Alighting Design: What do you think is the most important factor in lighting design?


                MK: Without doubt the human factor! We design lighting for people not for lux meters. We design for people with emotions, with feelings, with desires, with specific needs whether it is work, relaxation or other. We don’t see lux levels, we see the light reflected from its surrounding spaces, hence understanding of materials, colours and how it interacts with lighting is crucial for a good lighting design! Too many lighting designers unfortunately focus on lighting levels without understanding the human and spatial implications. Light has volume and as such every good lighting designer also has to anticipate how light will be absorbed by that space, specifically the vertical elements!



                Alighting Design: You have been working in the lighting industry for 30 years. What’s the biggest change of both the industry and yourself?


                MK: When I started the incandescent bulb and the fluorescent tubes where the main tools to design with. Over the years we have seen unbelievable technological developments, unparalleled for any industry. I saw the growth of halogen lamps, metal halide lamps, the introduction of compact fluorescent lamps, induction lighting, fiber optics and now the new world revolution of LED technology. On a personal level that means that I have to re-adjust and re-learn nearly everything that I thought I knew because LED technology is a totally new ball game, with new rules, new definitions, new standards, new assessment and appreciation of qualities. The character of lighting and lighting design has changed radically and the lighting designer of today needs to differentiate between the LED professionals and the LED cowboys who try to benefit from this technology at all costs, a daily challenge!


                Alighting Design: We know that you have started a blog named “Light Talk” since 2009, and the first year’s blogging was compiled into a book of the same name. Could you tell us about the blog? Why did you start writing? What purpose do you want to achieve?

                《阿拉丁·設計》:您從2009年開始創(chuàng)立名為“Light Talk”的博客,而且第一年的博客內容已匯編成書。這是個怎樣的博客?為什么開始寫博客?您想達到什么樣的效果?

                MK: The blog started as a result of a challenge that I put to myself. Inspired by the film Julie and Julia (with Meryl Streep), where the lead person in the movie decides to try one recipe a day for a whole year from her favorite cooking hero and blog about it. After seeing the movie I thought why not blog every day for 365 days about my life as a lighting designer. I have many different projects, many different clients in many different countries, every project is different, with different people and cultures and comes with its own set of challenges and enjoyments. I decided that PLDC Berlin (a week later) would be the perfect time to start. As it turned out I was never shy of any subject to write about and now more than 5 years later I still write, though in a more compact (weekly) format. It was only after I completed my 365 days and looked at the material I had accumulated that I decided it would be perfect for a book! It has been highly successful and there are now even plans to have it translated in Chinese!

                MK:這個博客是我給自己的一個挑戰(zhàn)。其實是受到電影《朱莉與朱莉婭》的啟發(fā),電影主角用一年的時間每天嘗試一份自己最喜歡的烹飪大師的食譜,并且用博客記錄下來。我想,我有那么多的設計項目,有許多來自不同國家不同文化的不同客戶,工作中伴隨著一系列挑戰(zhàn)和樂趣……為什么不把我作為燈光設計師的一年365天也記錄下來呢?于是,一周之后的PLDA大會成為了“Light Talk”的起點,從此一發(fā)不可收拾,任何話題都不在話下。直至5年后的今天,我仍然堅持每周寫一篇博客。也是在一年之后,看著累積了365天的文字,我萌生了要匯編成書的念頭。這本書獲得了很大的成功,現(xiàn)在也準備出中文的版本了。

                Alighting Design: You have clients from different countries. How do you meet the cultural needs of different countries?


                MK: The key is to listen to your client, always! A good designer is a good listener. Appreciate the values and culture of your host country, do not try to enforce only what you believe is right! See how things are done in that country, assess if that has merits and marry that with good lighting design that you practice! There are basic professional lighting standards that apply cross border, but implementation needs to be done against the accepted norms and practices in that country. Having said that one of our biggest challenges is to educate our clients in any culture about the benefits of better lighting design, specifically the cost-quality balance, because value for money has different meanings in different countries!


                Alighting Design: What impresses you most while working for Chinese clients? What’s the difference from the other clients?


                MK: Chinese clients seem in general bolder and more daring when it comes to exploring new concepts, they like something special, appreciate something new, something that will set them apart, contrary to other countries who generally are more conservative in their approach. On the flipside in China specifically the cost quality balance is heavily swayed towards costs. While costs are always an issue in any project and any country, in China specifically budgets seem to be totally inconsiderate of quality. This at times feels contradictory to the innovative and unique projects that are being developed. It is my main and foremost challenge in China and I am sure many of you have the same experience.


                Alighting Design: What do you think of the Asian lighting profession? How about the lighting design industry in China?


                MK: It is without doubt that Asia in general and China specifically has seen an unprecedented growth where lighting design has certainly come of age. The activities of the CLDA, which I support as a member of the International Advisory Council, are testimony of that. While 10-20 years ago foreign lighting designers in Asia/China were the dominant force, we now see a reversal with leading countries such as China and India for instance, now having a big domestic lighting design fraternity.


                Alighting Design: How to balance the functionality and aesthetics in lighting design?


                MK: The key here again is the human factor. Once you keep that center to your lighting design approach the balancing and decision making becomes focused and easy, regardless of any project.


                Alighting Design: Did you do the lighting design for your own house? What is it like?


                MK: No not really! Because I travel so much with “homes” in several countries I have yet to settle down properly and design my own beautiful lighting at home…it is on my to do list for when I slow down and spent more time at home.


                Alighting Design: Could you share with us some of your favorite projects?


                MK: Some of my favorite projects are very small but because of that very satisfying as they were executed 100% the way I wanted. In general my favorite projects are those that give me the greatest satisfaction when completed big or small and generally these are the ones that are executed very close to design intent or those that despite strong budget limitations came out really well through our creative value engineering! For instance, Murdoch Art Wall, Fremantle Cliff, Grand Hyatt Goa, Shangri-la Futian Shenzhen.


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